We Need Your Help
The National Sorghum Producers is an organization that represents U.S. sorghum growers through legislative and regulatory advocacy and through educational outreach. This means sorghum growers have an ally in Washington, D.C. When Congress is in session working on a farm bill, an energy bill, trade, and environmental legislation, or other agriculturally pertinent bills, NSP is in your corner.
NSP advocates for the interests of sorghum-based on what our members tell us is most important to them. NSP has a small and dedicated staff team that is committed to staying on top of the issues in farm country and from coast to coast. The NSP office is located in the heart of the Sorghum Belt, so we have a constant heartbeat on what is most important to your farm. At the same time, we maintain a presence in Washington, D.C., to keep an eye on legislation and regulations affecting sorghum growers. Finally, we provide our members with high quality, targeted educational materials to keep you up to date and in the loop about sorghum issues.
In short, we’ve got your back, but we need your help too! Agriculture producers must tell their story and form relationships with lawmakers in Washington, D.C. Step up for sorghum. Local, state and federal decision-makers need to hear from you!