2018 Farm Bill Passes Congress
December 12, 2018
2018 Farm Bill Passes Congress
WASHINGTON, DC —National Sorghum Producers Board of Directors Chairman Dan Atkisson, a sorghum farmer from Stockton, Kansas, made the following statement in response to Congress passing the 2018 Farm Bill today:
“National Sorghum Producers thanks the Senate and House for passing the 2018 Farm Bill. The bill provides certainty and stability as producers across the country try to balance uncontrollable variables. We commend leadership for producing a solid bill under the current circumstances.
“The new bill provides several helpful provisions for sorghum producers, including conservation language on resource conserving crop rotations. We also appreciate the yield update opportunity and the loan rate increase.
“As this roller coaster year comes to a close, we see this as a win for sorghum producers. We appreciate the 115th Congress for holding true to their promise in delivering a farm bill this year and we hope to see the new legislation move across the President’s desk quickly.”
NSP represents U.S. sorghum producers and serves as the voice of the sorghum industry coast to coast through legislative representation, regulatory representation and education. To learn more about NSP, visit www.sorghumgrowers.com.
For more information, contact:
Jennifer Blackburn
External Affairs Director
National Sorghum Producers