NSP Commends House Agriculture Committee FARRM Markup
For more information, contact:
Jennifer Blackburn
Communications Coordinator
National Sorghum Producers
May 16, 2013
NSP Commends House Agriculture Committee FARRM Markup
LUBBOCK, Texas – National Sorghum Producers praises action taken yesterday by the House Committee on Agriculture to mark up and pass the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 by a vote of 36-10.
“NSP is very pleased with the hard work and leadership provided by Chairman Lucas and Ranking Member Peterson to pass a very good farm bill out of committee,” said J.B. Stewart, NSP Legislative Committee chairman. “There was a strong, bipartisan vote, and while we face more obstacles on the [House] floor, we look forward to helping the committee push a bill through that will give sorghum farmers a plan for the next five years.”
While close to 100 amendments were considered by the committee, crop insurance was strengthened, and the commodity title was left relatively intact, including reference prices and producer choice—all priorities of the National Sorghum Producers. The bill achieves substantial budget savings but maintains balanced and solid protection for America’s farmers and ranchers.
NSP represents U.S. sorghum producers and serves as the voice of the sorghum industry coast to coast through legislative representation, regulatory representation and education. To learn more about NSP, visit www.sorghumgrowers.com. Follow us on Twitter @SorghumGrowers and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.com/SorghumGrowers.